My January 2023 progress…
- Sun, 1/1/23 – Work on trivia book… new accountability systems set up… work on year-long self improvement project book
- Mon, 1/2/23 – Update accountability blog… finalize plans and begin year-long self improvement book project… writing streaks at various times on books
- Tue, 1/3/23 – Work on finalizing Simpsons book layout for publication… writing streaks at various times on books
- Wed, 1/4/23 – Work with artist on upcoming covers… work on Simpsons book… writing streaks at various times on books
- Thu, 1/5/23 – Retro newsletter… work on Simpsons book… writing streaks at various times on books
- Fri, 1/6/23 – Rework outline of nonfiction book on time management… work on Simpsons book cover… work on Simpsons book… check in with copy editor… writing streaks at various times on books
- Sat, 1/7/23 – Work on Simpsons book… writing streaks at various times on books
- Sun, 1/8/23 – Work on Simpsons book… writing streaks at various times on books
- Mon, 1/9/23 – Update accountability blog… working through new children’s book idea… writing streaks at various times on books
- Tue, 1/10/23 – Final editing on Simpsons book… writing streaks at various times on books
- Wed, 1/11/23 – Finish Simpsons edit and layout… accountability group meeting… work with artist on various projects… writing streaks at various times on books
- Thu, 1/12/23 – Retro newsletter… writing streaks at various times on books
- Fri, 1/13/23 – Export of Simpsons book for print… sending detailed notes to artist for multiple projects… writing streaks at various times on books
- Sat, 1/14/23 – Retro newsletter jump… planning for next week and organizing files… writing streaks at various times on books
- Sun, 1/15/23 – Transcribing dictation… working with artist… talking with book printer about needs for books… writing streaks at various times on books
- Mon, 1/16/23 – Notes for artist on Simpsons book cover… begin going through copy edits on Meanwhile… accountability blog post… book writing streaks at various times
- Tue, 1/17/23 – Working on more copy edits on Meanwhile… more back-and-forth with artist on final Simpsons cover design… book writing streaks at various times
- Wed, 1/18/23 – Finish copy edit on Meanwhile… book writing streaks at various times
- Thu, 1/19/23 – Notes back and forth with copy editor for Meanwhile… publish this week’s Retro newsletter… book writing streaks at various times
- Fri, 1/20/23 – Finalizing Meanwhile manuscript work… book writing streaks at various times
- Sat, 1/21/23 – Finish Meanwhile manuscript and export for publication… book writing streaks at various times
- Sun, 1/22/23 – Making plan for the week… working through final story beats on first children’s book… book writing streaks at various times
- Mon, 1/23/23 – Write accountability post… fix accountability blog images… write back cover material for Meanwhile… send back cover specs to designer… book writing streaks at various times
- Tue, 1/24/23 – Work on HW website and email subscription/download procedures… book writing streaks at various times
- Wed, 1/25/23 – Work on HW website and emails… final notes on Meanwhile cover… book writing streaks at various times
- Thu, 1/26/23 – Publish Retro newsletter and prep following week’s newsletter… work on HW website… book writing streaks at various times
- Fri, 1/27/23 – More work on HW website… last minute edits on Meanwhile… book writing streaks at various times
- Sat, 1/28/23 – Work on HW website… book writing streaks at various times
- Sun, 1/29/23 – Notes with designer on covers to finalize designs… week planning… taking notes on dictated ideas for novel… book writing streaks at various times
- Mon, 1/30/23 – Finishing publishing website with email signup and book download flow… last minute tweaks on book… write accountability post… book writing streaks at various times
- Tue, 1/31/23 – Finish publishing company website and email system fully set up… last-second tweaks to eBook… PUBLISH BOOK #1