
  • How I Accidentally Wrote the World’s Longest Children’s Poem

    How I Accidentally Wrote the World’s Longest Children’s Poem

    On Thursday, I triumphantly finished my last revision of my children’s book. I was finally ready to show it to a few beta readers. Sure, the meter was a big off in some spots and there were still a few areas here or there where I didn’t 100% love a line or plot progression. But […]

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  • For My Next Trick, Watch Me Make This Entire Month Disappear

    For My Next Trick, Watch Me Make This Entire Month Disappear

    One of the biggest reason I love streaks is because of disappearing time. It’s uncanny how a few days suddenly turns into a few weeks — and more. That’s what happened to my entire month of April. It started with the kids on spring break. Before that was over, it was Passover with my parents […]

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  • Piecing Together an Hour a Day

    Piecing Together an Hour a Day

    Life is busy. I mean, it’s always busy. But lately, it feels busier than ever. This isn’t surprising nor is it temporary. But it is a standing challenge for working on my 100 books. Especially since, often, it requires piecing together my hour of work a day. I don’t like piecing together an hour. In […]

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  • Q1 2023 Review and Target Setting for Q2

    Q1 2023 Review and Target Setting for Q2

    It’s the end of March, which means the end of the first quarter of 2023. So, as always (though never publicly before), I review my targets for the past quarter, evaluate how I did, and set targets and make plans for the upcoming quarter. Q1 2023 Review At the beginning of the year, I discussed […]

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  • How I Avoid Getting Derailed After an Unproductive Week

    How I Avoid Getting Derailed After an Unproductive Week

    Last week was not a productive week on this book publishing project. In fact, last week easily saw the least progress of any week since the beginning. Circumstances happen. Last week was the perfect storm. So, as a result, I made minimal progress. I didn’t figure out a solution for my children’s book that turned […]

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