The first book I’m going to publish (this month!)
November is here and, as per my plan, I’m going to publish my first book (of the 100 I’m going to publish) this month. I know which book it is; it’s one I’ve spent way too many years revising over and over and I need to get off my computer. Because revising a book over […]
I’ve planned my initial publishing slate and even squeezed in some writing
It’s my first weekly update on my progress into publishing 100 books, many of which are either already in draft form or researched and planned to the point where the writing is the least of my concerns. You know, like any good author. Which is why I spent my nights much of the past week […]
I Am Going to Publish 100 Books… Or Else I’d Like You to Hold It Against Me Forever
I’ve written dozens of books. Novels, nonfiction, children’s, trivia, puzzles and more. But you’ve never read any of them. Nor has anyone else. Because they’re all sitting on my hard drive in various states, unseen by human eyes. Outside maybe the NSA or very bored and privacy-indifferent Dropbox employees. I never publish them or share […]