Help Me Pick the Logo for My Publishing Company
Some people have asked me if I’m planning to self-publish all 100 of the books for this project or if I am going to try to work with publishers. And my answer is: Mostly the former… but kind of the latter. Part of my plan here is to create my own publishing company. I spoke […]
Annnnnd… Won’t Be Publishing My 1st Book This Month After All
My plan was to publish my first book (of the 100 I will be publishing) by the end of this month. With two days left in November, I won’t hit that deadline. The process for starting the engines on this whole publishing endeavor took longer than expected. Especially since I want to do things the […]
Result: The Votes Are Here on What Novel I Should Work on Next
Last week I posted a poll asking which of two novels I should work on next. Both novels are in roughly the same place: First draft done, good bones but some structural problems requiring some serious surgery. To review, the two books are: And the result of the poll is… Nerds of Fortune – 44% […]
Vote: Which Novel Should I Work on Second?
I’m still tracking to publish the first of my three novels this month. But I’m undecided about which one to go with next. My other two novels are both in rough draft form — and both need some serious renovations for their second draft. However, in good news, neither is a total teardown. (I promise, […]
It Takes a (Three-Person) Village: Hey I’m Putting Together a Team
I’m planning to do virtually all of the work on publishing these 100 books myself. However, there are two areas where I can’t pull this off without help: Art The first is art. I’m competent at graphic design, which is the most dangerous place to be. Because… it means I could make my own book […]